RAMS & Resources

RAMS & Handy Hints
These RAMS and Handy Hints are generic versions available for download. Programme specific documents will be emailed with final booking confirmation:
RAMs for Children’s Art House
RAMs for Rotorua Energy Events Centre
RAMs for Rotorua Lakes Council
RAMs for Sulphur Point
RAMs for Te Rūnanga Tea House
Te Reo Māori Wharewhare Bingo
Find the items and learn words in te reo Māori.
Te Reo Māori Wharewhare Bingo
Te Kemu Kōwhiri – The Choosing Game
A fun favourite with a different spin and perspective. Download the instructions and the relevant Kemu Kowhiri by age. Follow the steps written on the pages in order to play this fun game.
Instructions – Te Kemu Kowhiri
Ages 5 – 8 – Te Kemu Kowhiri
Ages 9+ – Te Kemu Kowhiri
Te Reo Māori Memory Game
Improve your Te Reo Māori vocabulary by playing this game with others. Try and match the cards by memory, locating where the cards are.
The player with the most cards by the end of the game wins.
Te Reo Maori Memory Game
Prepare A Pepeha In Scratch
This activity allows you to explore coding in a fun and relevant way by looking at pepeha.
Prepare A Pepeha In Scratch
Initiatives created for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Kia Kaha te Reo Māori

Teacher Resources
In this section you can download pre and post-visit information for a selection of our programmes for Term 1 and 2 in 2024
Rotorua Schools:
Rotorua Primary Schools Yr 0-8
Rotorua Intermediate and Secondary Schools Yr 9-13
Schools From Outside Rotorua:
Primary Schools Outside Rotorua Yr 0-8
Intermediate and Secondary Schools Outside Rotorua Yr 9-13
Other Resources
Maori Battalion Teachers Resource (Social Science (Y3 – 10) 0r NCEA History)
Te Oranga Tuturu o Te Arawa Resource (Early way of life for Te Arawa Māori)
Digital Store House of Te Arawa Stories
Ngā Haerenga o Te Arawa – Te Arawa Journeys
Legend -Ihenga the Name Giver
Legend – Ngatoroirangi and the Coming of Fire
Legend – Hatupatu and Kurungaituku
Legend -Voyage from Hawaiiki