Education Programme Planning Focus Form

    Please find below your chance to give us more information on your required learning intentions before your visit.
    Discuss the following with your students and send your reply at least two weeks prior to your visit.
    You may print out a draft (click here for pdf version) to write on before filling in this online form here:

    Contact Details

    School Name (required)

    Teacher First name (required)

    Teacher Last name (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Education Programme Details

    Date of visit (required)

    Name of Education Programme you will be doing?

    Year of students (required)

    At the time of your visit where will your students be in their inquiry focus?


    What is your inquiry focus

    What we know before our Museum visit:

    Learning intentions:

    We are wondering:

    Success criteria:

    We know we have achieved our goals when students can:

    Other Details

    Please tick if you have students that are:


    If you have a number of classes booked which include bilingual or rumaki, please indicate what date(s) and time(s) they will be visiting:

    Special requests/Extra information:

    Special needs or abilities:

    Adult to Student Ratio:

    Please advise approximate number of adults or helpers that will accompany each class:

    Thank you for completing this form. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting one of the Education Team at Rotorua Museum


    Enter the code above here:

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