• Project managers appointed for Museum and SHMPAC

    Friday, 2 November 2018

    Project managers appointed for Rotorua Museum and the Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre. With the construction phase due to get underway next year for both Rotorua Museum and the Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre, project managers have now been appointed for the seismic strengthening and redevelopment of these key…


  • Crated Te Rangitakaroro being loaded at Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa, 2018.

    Rotorua Museum prepares for construction phase with removal of taonga into safe storage

    Thursday, 18 October 2018

    In readiness for the construction phase of Rotorua Museum, due to get underway mid next year, the remaining 25 taonga (treasures) have been safely removed from the Bath House building into specialised storage facilities. These artefacts were located in the newer southern end of the Museum, the Don Stafford Wing,…


  • Architect appointed for restoration and development of Rotorua Museum

    Thursday, 27 September 2018

      DPA Architects, with previous experience refurbishing Rotorua Museum, has been appointed to carry out the design work for the restoration of the heritage Bath House building, with help from local firm, Carling Architects. Rotorua Lakes Council’s Arts and Culture manager, Stewart Brown, says restoration work is due to get…


  • Centennial Trust presents $200k towards Museum strengthening

    Wednesday, 4 July 2018

    Rotorua Museum Centennial Trust presented $200,000 to Rotorua Lakes Council towards the seismic strengthening of Rotorua Museum. The contribution was presented to the Council during last week’s (Thursday 28 June) Full Council meeting by Rotorua Museum Centennial Trust Chairman, Lyall Thurston. He says the decision to make the donation was…


  • Museum offering thriving one year on

    Saturday, 18 November 2017

    Rotorua’s history and stories are alive and well beyond the walls of Rotorua Museum a year after its unexpected closure. This weekend marks a year since the museum was closed for public safety reasons when damage was discovered following the Kaikoura earthquake. Detailed design and costings for a preferred option…


  • museum

    Rotorua Museum update October 2017

    Friday, 6 October 2017

    A preferred option to repair Rotorua’s iconic museum will be progressed during the next few months following scoping and assessment of four options. The options were presented to elected members this week during the Operations & Monitoring Committee hui (meeting). The options have been explored with engineers and the recommended…


  • Summers’ Sculptures safely tucked away

    Saturday, 12 August 2017

    As the Bath House building celebrates its 109th birthday some of its most precious inhabitants have just moved out. The iconic marble sculptures that have been housed at the Bath House building for more than 100 years have been safely moved into storage. The planning around how to safely move…


  • Damage forces ongoing closure of Rotorua Museum

    Friday, 2 December 2016

    Rotorua’s famed museum will remain closed until at least April 2017 when the results of a detailed seismic assessment are expected to be known. New damage believed to have been caused by the Kaikoura earthquake prompted the 18 November precautionary closure of Rotorua Museum, which is housed in the historic…


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