Wānanga 1 – Digitisation with Norm Heke

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

In mid-April 2024, Rotorua Museum Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa had the pleasure of hosting the first of five Taonga Care Wānanga, organised in collaboration with Te Papa Tongarewa, National Services Te Paerangi.

Focussing on digitisation, it was facilitated by professional photographer and former employee of Te Papa Tongarewa, Norm Heke (Ngāti Kahu, Ngāpuhi, Welsh). The wānanga was held over two days at Rotorua Library, Te Aka Mauri with participant representation from across 17 Te Arawa hapū and iwi.

This wānanga taught skills using everyday devices, to capture photographs and video content. Participants were taught to consider light, sound, positioning of objects and people, when taking photographs of whānau or taonga. They then learnt what to do with these digital files to ensure their longevity for future generations, and how to interview (our pakeke) and create video content.

Following this successful wānanga, attendees shared their thoughts on the kaupapa:
“Appreciate the opportunity to learn from mātanga on their skills and matauranga.”
“Wealth of knowledge that Norman shared. It was all the very small details are things we may not give thought too. All his content was well explained and demonstrated. Loved this wananga.”
“A very well run wānanga thank you. I bought a tripod last night and showed my mokopuna how he could use it. He loved it.”

This series of wānanga enabled access to Mātanga (Conservators) visiting our rohe and sharing their mātauranga with our whānau to help them care for taonga at home and on the marae. Wānanga covered a range of topics including digitalisation, kākahu (textile & fibre), whāriki (floor coverings), hard materials and archival care.

Whilst participation was free, the commitment for each participant was to return home and share the mātauranga they learnt.


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