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- Taniwha in Rotorua Stories Cinema, Rotorua Museum
- Nga Pumanawa o Te Arawa, Rotorua Museum. Courtesy of David Hamilton Photography
- Taking the Cure exhibition, Rotorua Museum
- Rooftop Viewing Platform, Rotorua Museum
- Te Arawa Waka, Nga Pumanawa o Te Arawa, Rotorua Museum. Courtesy of David Hamilton Photography
- Te Rangitakororo waharoa gateway from Te Koutu Pa, Lake Okataina. Rotorua Museum. Courtesy of David Hamilton Photography and Auckland Museum Tamaki Paenga Hira
- Rotorua Museum with tulips. Courtesy of Fullframe Photography
- Rotorua Museum at dusk. Courtesy of Fullframe Photography
- Charles F Summers (1858-1945), Flora, late 19th century, on display in Taking the Cure exhibition. Rotorua Museum (1964.12.04)
- Spring at Rotorua Museum. Courtesy of Fullframe Photography
- Boiler in the Mudbath Basement. Rotorua Museum
- Rotorua Museum with Phoenix Palm. Courtesy Fullframe Photography

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